Deliverance from Demonic Influence

The Deliverance from Demonic Influence e-course is for those who want to gain a biblical understanding of the topic of demons and deliverance, and receive freedom from the influence of evil spirits. This course has two hours of content, including a special ministry time where Jake leads you step-by-step through a prayer for deliverance. Learn the truth about evil spirits and break the chains of demonic influence!

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How to Minister Deliverance Online School

God is restoring deliverance to the church, but many believers feel intimidated or ill-equipped to cast out demons. Perhaps the only examples they have seen use bizarre, unbiblical, or unhelpful methods. The Online School of Deliverance is a four-week training school that will help equip and empower you to step into the ministry of deliverance.

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Living From the Secret Place Online School

Time alone with God was never intended to be a boring duty or empty ritual. It was meant to be a passionate pursuit of God that leads to encountering His presence and knowing Him more. Living From the Secret Place Online School is a call to personal devotion. If we are to grow in our relationship with God, we must prioritize time alone with Him. If we are to bear the fruit that God is looking for, our roots must go deep into Him!

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Restoring the Ministry of Jesus Book Study

Restoring the Ministry of Jesus Online Book Study is a four week course that is designed to call us back to the foundation of walking like Jesus walked and doing what Jesus did. In this course you will be awakened to the reality that believers are actually supposed to walk like Jesus, learn about the different facets of Jesus's ministry, discover keys for growing in intimacy with the Father, and more!

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Rooted in God Online School

Rooted in God Online School is a four week course that is is all about spiritual growth. Being saved and set free should be seen as a beginning, not an end. We are born again into God’s Kingdom, and now we are called to know God intimately, mature in Christ, and produce the fruit that He desires. In order for this to happen, we must be rooted. This school will help equip you with foundational truths and spiritual disciplines necessary to grow in your relationship with God.

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Empowered by the Holy Spirit Online School

For many believers, the Holy Spirit seems to be a mysterious force or is neglected altogether. Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in the church? We were never meant to live the Christian life without the power of the Holy Spirit. Empowered by the Holy Spirit Online School gives biblical foundations on who the Holy Spirit is and His work in our lives.

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