How the Lord led us to Lancaster, PA
May 27, 2013
Prophets and Teachers: A Needed Balance in the Church
June 4, 2013
In my last post I wrote about how the Lord led my family and me to Lancaster, PA. When we moved to Lancaster, we did not know what was in store for us. I had a sense of a call to this new region and felt as though I was moving from a season of preparation to a season of fulfillment. But the specifics of what this would look like were unclear.
A Prophetic Puzzle
As we have been getting settled in Lancaster, it is as if the Lord has been putting together a puzzle, piece by piece. As time goes on and more pieces come together, the picture is becoming clearer.
One of the things that God has used to help shape this new season is prophetic words and words of wisdom from others. I won’t share all of the details or words that have come forth, but want to give some insight into how things are coming together.
In early February it did not seem as if much was happening. I was beginning to wonder if I was right to believe that I was coming into a season of ministry fulfillment. Then, I received a prophetic word which included these words: “The tipping point for your ministry is upon you…doors that have not opened previously are about to open with force.”
The same week that I got this prophetic word, I received a word of wisdom from a mentor: “Maybe the first step in things coming together is to be in the right church.” We had visited several churches but had not settled into one yet. This same week we were invited to visit Threshold Church. We loved the church and I remember feeling like it was such a good fit for us; like we had found our home. We continued to visit and after a few weeks decided to join.
The Doors Open
When we joined Threshold Church, there was no intention of joining the pastoral staff or even a thought that there might be a position. At the same time, doors began to open for preaching at various churches in the region. It was supernatural how quickly the doors were opening and how many were opening at once. The prophetic word mentioned above was coming to pass, literally days after being given.
As I continued to pursue the itinerant preaching ministry, I was wondering if it was time to launch out into it full-time. It seemed to be the main thing that God was putting His hand on, and other ministry positions that I explored had not come to fruition.
Then, the senior pastor of Threshold and I began exploring what it would look like for me to work within the context of the pastoral team of the church. As time went on, it became clear that the Lord was in it. Another piece of the prophetic puzzle was coming into place.
The New Season of Ministry
So…I am excited and honored to announce that as of June 1st I will be joining the pastoral team of Threshold Church as an associate/teaching pastor. This is a unique situation, where I will also have flexibility to continue to pursue the itinerant ministry that God is opening up. It is truly a custom-made position and I am blown away by how the Lord has put it together. There is such an alignment with my ministry vision and the vision of Threshold that it is a perfect fit.
As of this month, I have also aligned my ministry under the umbrella of HarvestNET International, a network of churches and ministries based in Lancaster County. This will provide accountability and structure for continued growth, as well as a means to raise support in tax-deductible donations. (Some of you have asked about supporting my ministry financially. In the next few weeks I will provide information about how you can partner).
It is truly a new season of ministry. It is only the beginning; but the pieces are coming into place. It has been amazing to see the Lord put the pieces together, leading step by step. God is on the move; what a privilege to move with Him and labor in His kingdom!
[…] my next post I will share some specifics about what is happening with my ministry and a new ministry position that I am stepping […]
You will never be mislead when you follow the “cloud” and the “pillar of fire”!
So happy for you and your beautiful family!
– Mum
Thanks Mom for all of your encouragement and prayers!
Wonderful news – we are thrilled how everything has been arranged by the Father!
Thanks Emily! It certainly is amazing to watch Him put the pieces together.
So good to read the fuller version of the story. My prayers are with you and your lovely family.
Thanks Misty, I appreciate your prayers!
Awesome Bro Jacob! Love you Bro!
Love and appreciate you Joey!
[…] News | 0 comments This week I will be giving updates on what is happening with me and the new season of ministry that has begun. As my family and I moved to Lancaster, PA we have seen God do amazing things in […]
[…] on Jun 26, 2013 in Latest News | 0 comments Last month I wrote an article with an update on a new season of ministry that I am entering into. When the Lord led my family and me to Lancaster, PA at the end of last […]
[…] Prayer Partnership Posted by Jake Kail on Jun 30, 2013 in Latest News | 0 comments As I take new steps into ministry, I am very aware of the need for prayer covering. About twice a month I send out a prayer update to […]
I just ‘happened’ to see your blog when I was searching for something else in Lancaster.
Welcome to Lancaster!
You’re welcome to get to know Lancaster Theological Seminary (College and James, across from F&M University).
I’m a second year MDiv student. We have a library that local folks can use too. I hope to meet you sometime in the new year.
Shalom, Fa
Thanks for the comment and invitation to connect with LTS! God bless, and hopefully we can connect some time.