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Did you know that to neglect giving thanks is dangerous to your spiritual health? Check out the following excerpt from With Thanksgiving.
Throughout this study on the importance of giving thanks, we will see some of the positive and transforming impacts that thanksgiving has on our lives. But it’s also important to look at a side of this subject that is not often spoken of: the danger of not giving thanks. The purpose for this is not to be negative or depressing but to make sure we have a sober and clear view of what the Bible says on this point.
Have you ever considered that to neglect giving thanks is spiritually dangerous? Yes, a lack of thanksgiving is not just a bad idea—it is detrimental to your spiritual life. Let’s look at some scriptural examples.
“Their Hearts Were Darkened”
In Romans 1, the apostle Paul outlines a sobering progression of what happens to those who come under God’s wrath due to perpetual unrighteousness. He first describes those who suppress the truth and reject the revelation of who God is (see Romans 1:18-20). But notice how he continues: “because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Romans 1:21, emphasis added).
It started as a suppression of truth and rejection of the revelation of God. It then went to a refusal to give God glory or offer Him thanks. And then Paul spends the rest of the chapter describing a plunge into depravity, idolatry, perversion, and all sorts of evil and wickedness (see Romans 1:22-32). One of the factors that brought darkness over their hearts—one of the initial steps in a downward spiral into depravity—was a lack of giving thanks.
It is a stunning and sobering thought that a lack of thanksgiving can be a primary contributor to a life that comes under God’s wrath and plummets into dissipation and darkness. To not give thanks is to not acknowledge the very source of our lives. When we fail to give Him thanks, our minds become deceived and our hearts become veiled with darkness. Take heed—a lack of thanksgiving is harmful to your spiritual health!
“The Unthankful and Evil”
Jesus gives us another glimpse into how a lack of thanksgiving is more dangerous than we have often realized.
But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.” (Luke 6:35, emphasis added)
As Jesus describes the call to love our enemies, He says that as we take on this posture, we will be children of God. In other words, we will be acting like Him, following His character and nature. As God shows kindness even to His enemies, we are to do this as well. But notice how He describes those who are against Him: unthankful and evil. Of all the words that could be paired with evil, the Lord chose to use the word unthankful.
Have you ever considered that being unthankful is considered evil in God’s eyes? This might seem extreme, but a lack of gratitude stems from a heart that is self-occupied and entitled. To not give thanks to God is to be self-sufficient and to forget or ignore that He is the source of our very life and breath. Giving thanks acknowledges God and our dependence upon Him, while its lack indicates a heart that is independent of Him.
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The topic of thanksgiving can be found woven throughout the pages of Scripture, but we have often not seen its true value and significance in the life of a believer. With Thanksgiving is all about the transforming power of giving thanks. It is a short but powerful study on the topic of thanksgiving.