What is Fasting?
January 3, 2013
Is Being “Slain in the Spirit” of God?
January 8, 2013
Let’s face it: fasting is not usually a fun or pleasant experience. It is often accompanied by headaches, bad breath, and weariness of body and mind. Some may romanticize it as a great spiritual experience—and there can certainly be great spiritual experiences associated with it—but for many of us it is not an enjoyable practice in itself.
Why would anyone want to abstain from food? For that matter, why engage in any spiritual discipline? In part, it comes down to the nature of discipline: short term pain/discomfort for long term benefits.
Some of these benefits may come during the time of the fast itself, but in my experience many will come later as a result of the fast.
Four Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
Fasting out of simple obedience to God is great. But it also helps to know some of the reasons why God would call us to fast in the first place. Here are four spiritual benefits of fasting:
1. Drawing Near to God
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Fasting is one of the ways that we can draw near to God. You can take time that you would normally spend eating and give it to being in the Lord’s presence and reading His Word.
Fasting can also make you more attuned spiritually. It is similar to when you are on an exercise program; working out tends to make you more health-conscious in general. Likewise, when you fast it makes you more aware of spiritual realities and draws your attention to God.
2. Overcoming the Flesh
“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”
-Romans 8:6
Fasting is a great way to prioritize the spirit over the flesh. When you fast, you are saying that you value the things of the Spirit; that you are not ruled by your body or by the sinful nature. It is a great exercise in self-control.
If you can abstain from food, you can also overcome lust, greed, and other fleshly instincts. Fasting is one of the ways that you can “exercise yourself toward godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7).
3. Humbling Yourself
Humility is a premium quality in the kingdom of God. And it is up to us to humble ourselves. 1 Peter 5:6 says, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” Jesus said this: “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12).
It is our job to humble ourselves before God. If we don’t do it, God will do it for us! How do we humble ourselves? One way is fasting:
“I humbled myself with fasting.”
-Psalm 35:13
Fasting is a way of depending on the Lord to a greater degree. You purposefully place yourself in a weakened state, humbling yourself before the Lord, and depending on His grace and power.
4. Obtaining Spiritual Breakthrough
Though the ultimate victory was secured by Christ’s finished work on the cross, we live in an age where the spiritual battle is still raging.
When Daniel prayed and fasted it affected the spiritual battle going on in the heavenly realms (see Daniel 10:1-14). When the disciples were not able to cast out a demon Jesus said, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29).
We don’t always see it like this, but fasting is a weapon of warfare against the devil. Sometimes we will not obtain the spiritual breakthrough that we need without focused prayer and fasting. A few years ago I saw an outbreak of healing and deliverance happen after a period of fasting. I don’t fully understand this, but fasting can bring a release of God’s power and push back the enemy.
Whether you desire to grow closer to the Lord, need God’s direction, or need to gain spiritual victory over the flesh and devil, fasting might be the key ingredient for your breakthrough!
Questions: Have you ever experienced any of the above benefits of fasting? Are there others you can think of?
[…] Be sure to also check out 4 Spiritual Benefits of Fasting. […]
Thanks for these insights. This is great encouragement to fast.
Glad it was helpful!
great inspiration
fasting has done so much for me.
Hey I love Jesus. Learning @ fasting hs brought a lot of understanding. Knowledge is powr. Now I don’t go wrong. I praise the Lord
Fasting has made me to see new light and obtain many breakthroughs
About fasting thankyou Man of God
Can you edit the scripture James 4:4 to James 4:8. For benefit number 1. GOD BLESS YOU FOR THIS PIECE OF WORK.
Thanks for catching that, Victor! I made the edit.
Thanks alot am strongly empowered in that area of fasting.
[…] is to abstain from food for spiritual purposes. There are many benefits to this spiritual discipline, and it is something that Jesus both practiced and taught. Yet, fasting does not seem to be a […]
Prayer and fasting works!
Holiness and humblenes both outward and inward.
It is a trademark of humbleness and holiness both internally and externally.
We can not obtain such a trade mark without fasting
My life has holistically changed in onone year.
I reason differently. There is a new person in me.
thanks Jake
[…] Four Spiritual Benefits of Fasting by Jake Kail […]
Fasting before going through a deliverance session is a very powerful move of God. To enter into His presence through fasting, humbled, as you renounce and rebuke the enemy is yet another reason that I believe Jesus said “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29).
We dont gain power from the Lord when we fast, we become weak and humbled, which is right when we can die to ourselves and truly move in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Great thoughts, thanks for sharing!