Sermon: The Power of a Father
June 16, 2018
What Other Leaders are Saying About “Keys for Deliverance”
July 17, 2018I am excited to announce that my new book, Keys for Deliverance, is now in print! I truly believe that this is my most significant book release to date, and that God will use this book to set captives free and equip believers to minister deliverance to others. Check out the description below and make sure to get your copy from Amazon!
Keys for Deliverance
Deliverance from evil spirits is a topic that has often been avoided in the church. But for Jesus and His early followers, it was completely normal to cast out demons. Keys for Deliverance removes the fear, stigma, and confusion from the topic of deliverance. Using a biblical approach and many real-life testimonies, this book will help equip the average believer to be able to both receive deliverance and minister it to others.
Topics that are covered include:
- The role of deliverance in the ministry of Jesus and His followers
- The reality of demonic influence in our world and why deliverance is relevant for today
- Different types of demons and how they seek to influence people
- The open doors that give evil spirits access to people’s lives
- How to discern the presence of demons
- How to receive deliverance and how to minister it to others
- Freedom from destructive and hurtful words
- Breaking free from generational curses and strongholds
- What the occult is and how to be delivered from its influence
- How to stay free once you have been delivered
- A prayer for deliverance that you can use for yourself or others
- And more!
We cannot afford to avoid the topic of deliverance from evil spirits any longer. God is restoring this crucial ministry to the church, and it’s time to take an honest look at what the Bible has to say about it. Read this book and find the keys for getting free and setting others free!
Click below to purchase:
Hello, i recently started going to your church and get the threshold newsletter. I ordered your book and am anxious to read it and will let you know my thoughts. I have been saved since i was 20 but got mixed up in new age after a few years of disappointment with the church. I opened a door to the demonic realm and spent the next 5 five yrs seeking deliverance. I couldn’t find anyone in Lancaster who even wanted to come near me. I went out of state 3 times and got relief but still plagued. I read everything i could find on the subject and ended up doing my own deliverance. I recognize the enemy asa roaring lion and i now take captive every thought and put it at the obedience of Christ. (That is my goal anyway). Oh i might add that the need of deliverance is so great that authors on this subject will not help the average person. I just think they are too overwhelmed. But that didn’t help me! I had to learn myself what drives the enemy away. It is important that every Christian understand the importance of self deliverance and to receognize the footprints of the enemy at every turn. Thank you for having the courage to address this topic in “holier than thou” Lancaster county. God does not want His people ignorant!
Thanks for the comment, I hope you are blessed by the book! Deliverance has been ignored in the church for too long, but God is bringing it out in the open again. I pray you find full freedom in Christ!