Spiritual Disciplines that Feed your Spirit
May 16, 2013Grace, Faith, and Works
May 22, 2013Grace seems to be a hot topic these days. This is not surprising, as grace is a major theme in the New Testament. However, I am seeing a back and forth argument between those of the “grace camp” and those who are warning the body of Christ about the dangers of “hyper-grace.”
My goal is not to address this topic from either of these sides, but to present what I believe the New Testament teaches about the connection between grace and holiness.
There are two errors we need to avoid when it comes to this subject:
Error 1: Pursuing holiness out of legalistic self-effort
The whole book of Galatians essentially deals with the error of legalism. Paul warns against trying to approach God on the basis of our works or achieve holiness based on self-effort. He asks this question in chapter three: “Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3). The Galatians were slipping back into an Old Covenant mind-set of legalism.
The whole Christian life is to be lived by grace. We are saved by grace, and we are also sanctified—that is made holy—by the same grace. It is all based on the finished work of Jesus.
Like the Galatians of old, we can too easily slip into legalism. Walking in holiness is essential; but if we approach it based on self-effort, outward conformity to rules, and legalistic regulations, we will be striving in the flesh and living under bondage. To be clear: any pursuit of holiness that is based on legalistic self-effort is an affront to the work of Jesus and the grace of God.
Error 2: Believing that grace removes the requirement of holiness
Though we are not to pursue holiness out of legalistic self-effort, grace does not remove the requirement of holiness. This cannot be overstated. Any teaching of grace that removes God’s requirement of holiness is not the grace taught in the New Testament. God has always required holiness from His people, and grace does not change this standard.
I see an alarming trend today; anyone who calls the body of Christ to holiness is labeled “religious” or a “Pharisee.” They are said by some to not have a “revelation of grace.” Is this true? What does the New Testament teach? There are many commands in the New Testament to be holy. Below are just a few examples:
In 2 Corinthians 7:1 Paul says, “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” Now if anyone had a revelation of grace it was the Apostle Paul. Here we see Paul exhorting the Corinthian church to pursue a lifestyle of holiness, walking in the fear of the Lord. The preceding verses are an admonishment to be separate from the ways of the world and be holy (Click to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
The story of the woman caught in adultery is one of the best illustrations of the difference between law and grace. After Jesus demonstrated the grace of God in the New Covenant, he said to the woman, “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). The grace she received did not remove the requirement to be holy; but unlike the law it actually empowered her to walk in holiness.
Make no mistake about it: God requires holiness from His people. Over and over again we see this statement in Scripture: “Be holy, for I am holy.” Let’s not forget the command from Hebrews 12:14: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.”
The Answer: Grace-empowered holiness
The fact is, there is a clear connection between grace and holiness. Titus 2:11-13 outlines this explicitly:
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Do you see the connection? The “grace of God that brings salvation” teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live “soberly, righteously, and godly.” The true grace of God does not just remove the guilt of sin. It actually empowers us to live holy from the inside out. Grace teaches us to be holy. If the grace you received is not teaching you to be holy, you may need to evaluate whether you have received the “grace of God that brings salvation.”
Unlike legalism, grace-empowered holiness is not about trying to change our outward behavior to meet God’s holy standard. It starts with internal transformation and works its way to our behaviors. In a chapter-long rebuke to the religious leaders of His day, Jesus made this statement:
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
-Matthew 23:25-26
The Pharisees emphasized cleaning the “outside of the cup”—outward behavior. Jesus emphasized cleaning the “inside of the cup”—internal transformation. But notice that when the inside is cleansed, the outside will “be clean also.” This is the power of the New Covenant. Grace that forgives, transforms, and empowers us to be changed from the inside.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking we need a proper balance between law and grace. These two are incompatible; they are fruit from two different trees. But don’t disconnect grace from holiness. May we see this connection, and walk in the power of grace unto true holiness!
Questions: Have you ever been caught in either of the above two errors? How does grace teach us to be holy?
[…] Kail on May 22, 2013 in The Christian Life | 0 comments I wrote recently that there is a close connection between grace and holiness. The New Covenant—which is based on the grace of God through the finished work of Christ—does […]
You have rightly put it,i couldn’t agree more! i am an avid reader of your articles and i can say they are a breath of fresh air compared to the prosperity choked messages of TBN. by the way am from Kenya,the land of revival,and i assure you your messages would be welcome news as they have all have one denominator:RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!
there’s no substitute for righteousness as we await the coming of the Messiah.what i would like to add is that Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians 5:1 to be imitators of God…yet God is Holy that we must be Holy…let us not complicate the word,it just means being “separate”. please if you have time visit http://www.repentandpreparetheway.org,you will be blessed.shalom
Thanks for the comment Victor. Yes, we are told over and over on the Bible to “Be holy, for I am holy.” May we walk in the power of grace that produces His holiness in us!
Hi Jake,
This has been a topic of dispute in my own family for many years. I was raised under legalisim in both family and church. I still struggle with it and have to careful not to fall back into that terrible bondage. Legalism has been a source of depression for myself and many in my family. We just couldn’t seem to get it right!
I began asking The Lord for Truth. His Truth and nothing but the truth. “Let God be true and every man a liar! “He has been showing me this over the past 5 years or so through teachers like Andrew Womack and Joseph Prince and His Word. Now you my friend! No man has every single part of his theology exactly right but Iam excited to see that there are those who actually teach the important message of Grace! As I learn it myself I am sharing it and it is a REFRESHING WIND to those who hear it! It brings hope to young people and to old. They listen intently to this message! They want this salvation! This is the one that really seems like a free gift! This is something within their reach unlike the message that you have to be perfect or that you have to get it right. The message of love and grace will be the message that brings in the Harvest of Souls.
As I have learned about the grace of God I have begun to fall deeply in love with God and His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This new love has shown me that this is the truth. I never felt like that before. I have been saved for 30 years! Now I am in love with my Lord! I know there are still changes that need to be made in me and that I am far from perfect. However, I now realize that it is HE that works that out! I do not have the try to change and become frustrated with myself as I have in the past, or feel condemned or guilty. His love “grace” works on me from the inside out as you stated! He will do His work in me. I am not bound to be perfect to gain His favor and blessing! PRAISE GOD! This is FREEDOM! This makes me have such a loyalty to want to please Him and be Holy out of love.
It makes since. If it weren’t for Grace, not one person would ever be blessed by God! There would be no favor! How would we ever know? One person may smoke and drink alchohol and think they are so condemned, yet that one who does not do these things, but is a glutten or gossips, feels that since he does not smoke or drink, that he is better person. There is not one of us who has it all down pat. Praise God for that though! What a pressure and distraction to always be trying to get it right. Judgment and legalism is the enemies of the church causingn discord and lack of unity. It is pride in self and works. It is ugly and it is a Strongman that must be done away with. Love NEVER FAILS!
There certainly needs to be a balance. If one understands Grace, then they also have learned that The Lord brings the balance with it! The Law is Good, Grace it Better! Praise God for Jesus who has redeemed us from the curse of the law!
Right on Jake!
Love your explanation of the law and grace. I have known for years that holiness was still a requirement from the Lord, however the picture of holiness in most of our minds is that of tradition and legalism. This makes it difficult to accept grace and holiness in one sentence, but I am thankful that you took to this topic and began writing about it. It is a new day for believers who are finally coming to a saving knowledge of His Grace and my prayer is that more will learn that true holiness comes with it. As I have lived my life especially for the past 40 years, I have found that the more I think about God’s grace, his favor, the more I just want to die to myself and be an open letter for all men to read. I wake up each day thinking about His goodness, speaking His Word, submitting my will to His, and witnessing His favor working on my behalf daily. I see how the Word blocks the works, tricks, and schemes of the enemy. This makes me more humble to live for him more and more each day. But really, it opens my eyes and I see Him as well as the wicked one! Holiness, is Kingdom Living at its best! Holiness is seeing the world from afar, yet you live out your life day by day in it!
This cleared up so much for me. Thank you for writing this.