4 Types of Generational Curses
August 2, 2019
7 Types of Demonic Influence
August 19, 2019
In my previous article, I outlined four types of generational curses. Now I want to walk through some steps on how to break free from generational curses and strongholds. Keep in mind that there is no formula for freedom. Use the below excerpt from my book Keys for Deliverance as a guide, and trust the Holy Spirit to lead you!
Though Christ provided freedom for us from generational curses, this does not mean that they all automatically go away when a person becomes a believer. Remember that through the cross Christ also provided freedom from the power of sin and healing from sickness, but these are not necessarily fully received when someone comes to Christ in salvation. In the same way, it is often necessary to specifically pray through and break free from the influence of generational curses and strongholds. You can walk through the following steps to do so.
1. Recognize the provision of the cross
First and foremost, we must recognize that it is through the finished work of Jesus that we receive deliverance from all curses. This is a part of what Jesus purchased for us on the cross. Let’s look again at Galatians 3:13-14: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
Jesus became a curse for us so that we could be delivered from every curse. This is good news! No Christian needs to live under the effect of a curse, including generational curses. Just as we look to Jesus for forgiveness, healing, and freedom from evil spirits, we look to Him to break us free from destructive patterns that have been passed on through our family line.
2. Renounce the sins of previous generations
If you are aware of specific strongholds of sin, occult activity, idolatry, cycles of sickness, or other generational influences, make sure to pray through them by name. You can pray something like this, filling in the blank with the specific sins, strongholds, and curses of your family line:
Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross and becoming a curse, so that I could be redeemed from every curse and receive God’s blessing. Because of Your finished work, I ask You to set me free from every curse that is over my life. I renounce the sins of previous generations and break away from any generational curse that is over my life. Specifically, I break free from __________________…I declare that the blood of Jesus separates me from the sins and curses of my family line.
When you pray this prayer, you should also command any evil spirits that have been inherited through your generational line to come out in the name of Jesus. You might be surprised at what happens!
3. Receive the blessings of being a child of God
Notice that in the Galatians 3:13-14 passage quoted above, the work does not end with deliverance from the curse; it ends with inheriting “the blessing of Abraham” and receiving the “promise of the Spirit.” On the basis of what Jesus has accomplished for us, we receive and walk in the blessing of God. We do not have to be subject to the strongholds and sins of previous generations. We are new creations in Christ—old things have passed away and all things are made new (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Let’s take our stand in Christ to walk free from the strongholds and demonic influence that may have come through our family line. And the great thing is, we now get to pass on generational blessings to our children!
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WOWWW & WOWWW BACKWARDS!… Thank You! Jake for your book on Keys For Deliverance! I received ALOT more healing & deliverance from my generational & ancestral line! “THANK YOU JESUS THE KING OF GLORY”!!!
So glad to hear that, thanks for sharing! Blessings to you!