The Wide Range of Demonic Influence – And the Far-reaching Impact of Deliverance
August 13, 2020Setting Captives Free Deliverance Weekend!
September 15, 2020Over the past decade, I have developed a passion for writing. I suppose that in many ways, my love for writing started with a love for reading. I have been tremendously blessed and helped by reading books on spiritual growth, ministry, leadership, and other topics. Since I have benefited greatly from the words of others, I seek to pass that same benefit on to others.
When I first started writing, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I just began typing and pouring out my heart onto paper. I continue to learn, grow, and develop in this craft. Since I began the journey over ten years ago, I have published several books and hundreds of articles. Lord willing, I plan to publish a book every year for many years to come.
I didn’t begin my writing journey as a means of income. If that were the case, I would have quit long ago! Writing is hard, time-consuming work, and relatively few authors make much money to speak of. Though earning some side income through royalties and book sales is a bonus, my goal in writing is to teach, equip, and impart. I want to see the Kingdom of God advanced and people set free and walking closely with the Lord.
The Power of the Printed Word
There is power in the printed word. Writing allows you to share revelation, insight, knowledge, and truth in a unique and creative way. Readers can learn and process at their own pace and in their own space. They can review and re-read as needed, and reference back to previous pages. I am a big proponent of reading, and have a growing passion for writing.
Here are some other reasons why writing is powerful:
1. Your writing goes where you can’t
You can only be in one place at one time. But your content can be anywhere. Everyday, articles from my blog are read by people from all over the world. In the last 30 days alone, people from 120 countries have visited my website. I can’t travel to 120 countries in 30 days, but my articles and books can.
It is possible to bear fruit through writing in ways that you will never know until eternity. I have been greatly impacted by people I have never met, and hope to write in a way that does the same for others. And once published, your articles and books can continue to have an impact for years to come. In fact, your writing can live longer than you.
2. Your writing can live longer than you
Think about how many deceased authors are still impacting the world. Your writing can be a legacy for many generations and continue to bear fruit long after you pass into eternity.
I am so thankful that Derek Prince put pen to paper–one of his books equipped me to minister deliverance. My prayer life is being fueled by the classic writings of E.M. Bounds. A hunger for revival was first birthed in me as I read the writings of Charles Finney. A desire to know God more deeply grew as I read books by A.W. Tozer. Many other examples could be given.
The spoken word is powerful and necessary, and has its own unique value. Writing doesn’t replace this, but complements it as a powerful and effective way of communicating.
Are You Called to Write?
Are you called to write? Writing is not for everyone, but there are many who have books waiting to be written and published. It takes discipline, time, focus, and hard work to get a book in print. But, start where you are and take the next step. Maybe its a blog. Maybe its poetry. Maybe its journaling. Maybe its a book or short story. Your writing will flow out of your relationship with the Lord, your personal experiences, and the ways God has gifted and wired you.
We live in a time where getting a blog started or self-publishing a book can be done more simply than ever before. If you are called to write, there are tools and resources available to help you on your journey. Take a step and begin to write. Seek God’s guidance and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Persevere through the process of editing and refining. Push through until you have a finished product.
You never know who is waiting for your book, articles, or other works to be published!
1 Comment
WOW…well said with a True humble, compassionate heart! Your writing inspire’s me every time I read them, because I believe they genuinely are coming from a pure, yielded & surrendered heart to the King of Glory!!! My prayer for you is that as you receive More wisdom & Revelation as you write, that Humility, Mercy, Compassion will mark You! Looking forward to reading more as the Lord continues to broaden & expand your heart!…Selah…Thank You!