Setting Boundaries with Toxic and Destructive People
December 14, 2019Removing the Graveclothes – The Need for Deliverance from Demons
December 31, 2019Pornography has become a major pandemic in our world, and this stronghold is wreaking havoc in lives, families, and the church as a whole. There are various programs that people can go through as they seek freedom from sexual sin. There are accountability measures, small groups, ministries, counseling, and all sorts of ways that people try to overcome addiction to porn.
Everyone has a unique journey and there is no “silver bullet” answer. Repentance and embracing the cross will always be essential. But for some people, the key for breaking free from the grip of pornography will be deliverance from unclean spirits. Such was the case for Jason, whose testimony I included in Keys for Deliverance.
Delivered from Pornography
Jason had been married for ten years at the time I prayed for him. Throughout the entirety of his marriage he had struggled with addiction to pornography, and as would be expected, this put a strain on the relationship. He would have short periods of victory, but could never seem to attain lasting freedom.
Looking for help and permanent change, Jason attended a men’s retreat with the topic of walking in sexual purity. I was one of the speakers and my message was on repentance and deliverance. I shared how sexual sin can often be influenced by unclean spirits, especially when the behavior is compulsive and enslaving. Jesus came to set us free from the power of sin and the kingdom of darkness. For someone to be set free from sexual sin—or any sin for that matter—requires genuine repentance. But if there is a demonic element to the bondage to sin, casting out evil spirits is also an important aspect of finding true freedom.
After I finished the message, I led the whole group of men in a prayer of repentance. Then I began to take authority over unclean spirits and command them to leave in the name of Jesus. When I prayed for Jason, I laid hands on him and commanded the spirits of lust and pornography to come out of him. (I didn’t know anything about his situation at the time; I simply prayed as I felt led by the Holy Spirit.) He immediately doubled over as if he had been punched in the gut, and he felt as though something came out of him.
A year later, Jason attended the same retreat. Except this time, he was not there to receive ministry, but to help minister to others. He testified that he had not viewed pornography since the prayer for deliverance a year prior. For the first time in over ten years, he was truly free!
Including Deliverance in the Equation
“And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.” (Mark 1:39)
The word deliverance refers to setting people free from the influence of evil spirits, or in other words, casting out demons. This was a normal part of the ministry of Jesus, and something He passed on to His followers.
To be clear, to acknowledge the influence of unclean spirits in a situation like Jason’s does not mean that the person can forfeit responsibility and blame everything on the devil. There is still a need to take personal responsibility and repent of sin, and there is still a need to overcome the flesh. But in many cases, the possibility of demonic influence is not even considered, leaving people like Jason stuck in a cycle of defeat and shame.
Jason’s freedom did not come until he was set free from the influence of evil spirits. Once the demons were gone, the nature of his battle changed dramatically. It is not that he never experienced temptation again; but now he was free to deny lust and choose purity. There was no longer an internal compulsion that seemed out of his control. The cycle of bondage had been broken.
Deliverance ministry is certainly not a cure-all, and not all problems or bondages to sin are caused by demons. But there are many people—even sincere believers—who are oppressed by evil spirits and need the ministry of deliverance. Without this crucial ministry, many believers and churches will not move into the fullness of their destiny.
When it comes to breaking free from lust, pornography, and other sexual sins, deliverance from unclean spirits needs to be strongly considered. Pornography is an open door to darkness and often welcomes unclean spirits into a person’s life. Yes, there must absolutely be genuine and deep repentance from sin. There must be a revelation of truth, a willingness to walk in the light, and a receiving of the grace of God to get free. But if unclean spirits are involved, there will often not be deep or lasing freedom until they are expelled.
Freedom from pornography and sexual sin is not only possible, it is what Jesus paid the price for. If you are in need of deliverance, you can use this prayer for deliverance as a way to submit to God and resist the devil (see James 4:8). You can pray through a pray like this on your own or you can pray with a trusted friend, mentor, or pastor.
Don’t settle for bondage to sin when Christ offers you freedom. Repent, call on His name, and drive the unclean spirits out of your life!
For more information on the topic of deliverance, check out my book: