3 Differences Between Lust and Love
February 11, 2016
How Peace is a Weapon of Spiritual Warfare
March 15, 2016
As 2015 came to a close and 2016 began, I felt a call to pick up the pen and focus more on writing. This takes on two primary forms: articles for my blog and book projects.
On January 1st, I received an unexpected text message from a member of the church where I serve, wishing me a Happy New Year and asking if I had ever considered writing a book about discovering your destiny. Early in 2015, my wife and I had hosted a small group with that theme and she had been a part of it.
I responded that I had thought about writing a book on that theme, and had recently been praying about what to prioritize in my writing. She felt like the Holy Spirit had nudged her to ask me.
That very day I typed an outline for the chapters of the book. Less than two months later, Discovering Your Destiny is close to being in print! Once I made the outline and started writing, it flowed and has come together rather quickly.
Now, Discovering Your Destiny is coming into the final stages of editing, formatting, and refining. Depending on a few variables, it should be in print and for sale some time in March (or at the very latest, April). I’ll keep you posted!
*Read this article for an overview of what the book is about: 3 Keys to Discovering Your Destiny
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