The Revelation of Jesus
June 25, 2012Principles of Honor
July 10, 2012It has been a little over two years now since the release of my first book Restoring the Ministry of Jesus. As some of you already know, I have been doing a lot of writing recently, and I wanted to fill you in on what I am working on. I am currently writing two books and below is a brief description of each one.
Abiding in the Vine
Abiding in the Vine: 40 Reflections on the Spirit-filled Life is a devotional-style book that is made up of a compilation of writings, most of which were originally written for my blog. The devotionals in this book are meant to feed your spirit, bring hope and encouragement, stir your heart to draw near to God, and challenge you to grow in Christ. Each of the 40 reflections is between 2 and 4 pages long, and I have organized them into seven categories:
Reflections on the Word
Reflections on the Christian Life
Reflections on Prayer
Reflections on the Holy Spirit
Reflections on Healing
Reflections on Contending for the Faith
Reflections on the Church
At this time I have a completed rough draft manuscript, and will be working on the final edits and formatting over the next few weeks. Once I have the final version, it will go to print! I anticipate that Abiding in the Vine will be available some time in early August.
Restoring the Ministry of Deliverance
Restoring the Ministry of Deliverance is a follow up to my first book Restoring the Ministry of Jesus. As the title suggests, this book focuses on the topic of deliverance, which refers to casting out demons in order to set people free from torment, bondage, and oppression. This is an often misunderstood subject with a lot of confusion surrounding it, and I believe there is a need for clear, sound teaching on it. The book is meant to be foundational in nature, offering key truths for those who need freedom and for those who are called to set others free.
I will keep you posted with updates on when these two titles will be released!
Very exciting, can’t wait to get my copies!
Awesome Jake – and very much needed today!