What Deliverance Ministry is NOT
February 28, 2013The Priority of Intimacy with God
March 5, 2013Last year I preached a message called “There Shall be Deliverance” at a conference in Austin, TX. In this message I talked about how God does not just intend to free us from the penalty of sin, but also from the power of sin and from bondage of all kinds.
Obadiah vs. 17 says, “But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” Deliverance–being set free from sin and the powers of darkness–is a necessary step to walking in our inheritance as believers in Christ. But many believers are not experiencing the freedom that Jesus has purchased for them.
In this message, you will learn about some of the things that keep Christians bound; and how you can be set free from them!