Deliverance is the ‘Children’s Bread’–It Belongs to the People of God
July 3, 2024God Has a Purpose in the Delay
July 24, 2024The question of whether a Christian can have a demon is controversial and is often the cause of heated debates. Below are some excerpts from Can A Christian Have a Demon? that explain why this question matters!
The question of whether a Christian can have a demon is the most controversial aspect of deliverance ministry. For many believers it is not even a valid question—they automatically assume that it is impossible for a Christian to have a demon. But the answer to this question has far-reaching implications, and therefore we must examine it closely. It determines—at least in part—how we view the various problems that Christians are dealing with and accordingly, what approach is taken to bring healing and freedom to those in need.
If a Christian cannot have a demon, then the ministry of deliverance has little significance in the life of the church. But if Christians can have demons, the belief that they cannot will cause a barrier for those in need of deliverance. Many who should be set free will not be since the possibility of driving out evil spirits is not a consideration.
A Believers is Set Free From the Spirit of Suicide
Take for example a young man I prayed for who had been dealing with intrusive suicidal thoughts and images. He was a believer who was attending a ministry school where I taught for a few days. He raised his hand and asked if the suicidal imaginations could be from a demon. I said yes and asked if I could pray for him during the ministry time.
When it came time to pray for him, I asked a few questions and found out that he had battled these thoughts ever since his sister had died from a drug overdose several years ago. I prayed for healing of his heart from the grief and loss related to his sister, led him to renounce the spirit of suicide, and then commanded this spirit to come out. He immediately dropped to his knees, and the demon came out of his mouth with a mild manifestation. He was set free, has walked in freedom ever since, and has gone on to be a leader in the ministry school. Imagine if I had told him that the suicidal thoughts could not be from a demon because he was a Christian!
Why This Question Matters
The answer to the question, “can a Christian have a demon?” is vitally important. If you hold the conviction that a Christian cannot have a demon, you will never see deliverance as a possible solution for a believer in need. If a Christian can’t seem to break free from a besetting sin, is oppressed with dark emotions, or tormented in their mind, various measures may be taken into consideration, but casting out an evil spirit would not be one of them. On the other hand, if in fact a Christian can have a demon, deliverance needs to be considered as a possible means of finding freedom.
I certainly don’t believe that every problem is caused by evil spirits. Many struggles are issues of the flesh or the result of living in a fallen world. But if in fact a demon is present in a situation, nothing but deliverance will bring full freedom. Could it be that our misunderstandings and assumptions in this area are keeping many in the church from being set free? Could it be that because we have not understood or embraced deliverance ministry that many in the church remain in graveclothes?
Many are waiting for us to respond to the call of Jesus: “Loose them and let them go!”
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Can a Christian Have a Demon? is an eye-opening book that explores some common misunderstandings about evil spirits and the ministry of deliverance. It tackles the question of Christians having demons with biblical insight, personal experience, and compelling testimonies. When the confusion is cleared, the way is paved for many more to be set free by the power of God!