Sermon: The Other Side of Your Obedience
April 11, 2024![](https://jakekail.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Deliverance-Resources-150x150.jpg)
A Collection of Deliverance Resources
May 10, 2024![](https://jakekail.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Keys-Deliverance-1200x480.jpg)
I have a passion to see a pure expression of deliverance in the church–one that is biblical, compassionate, and Christ-centered. As we see this important ministry restored, it is vital to stay grounded in the Word and focused on Jesus and His heart to set captives free. One of my aims is to remove the fear, confusion, and stigma from the topic of deliverance and demystify it so that others can step into receiving freedom and ministering to others.
I often say that while there is no exact formula for deliverance, there are some foundational principles that apply to the majority of situations. In fact, there are three basic keys for deliverance:
- Discerning the presence of evil spirits
- Discovering and closing any open doors
- Driving out the evil spirits
These keys can be applied when you are receiving deliverance for yourself or when you are ministering it to others. They serve as a basic track to follow as you seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and direction. Let’s take a look at each of these below.
1. Discerning the Presence of Evil Spirits
How do you know when an evil spirit is at work in your life? How do you know when an area of bondage involves demonic influence or is simply the flesh? How can you tell if a sickness or physical affliction is the result of natural causes or a spirit of infirmity? How can you determine whether the torment in your mind is coming from an evil spirit or is physiological in nature? These are all very good questions. It is important to understand that not every problem is caused by a demon. It is also important to be aware that many problems are caused by demons and that it is not always obvious to the natural eye when a demon is involved. This is why we need to cultivate spiritual discernment.
Discerning an evil spirit is like turning the lights on in a dark basement to find that a deadly serpent is hiding in the corner. Until the lights were turned on you couldn’t recognize the presence of this harmful intruder in your home, but it was there nonetheless. Once revealed, the serpent can be effectively dealt with. In the same way, for evil spirits to be expelled they must first be exposed. When they are brought into the light they can be addressed and cast out. But as long as they remain hidden and undetected, they can continue their destructive work in and through the person in whom they dwell. Discerning the presence of evil spirits can happen in different ways, and we can grow in our discernment through study, practical experience, and walking in the Holy Spirit. When I teach on discerning evil spirits, I normally mention three primary ways this happens: a demonic manifestation, supernatural revelation from the Holy Spirit, and what I would call natural discernment.
*See this article to unpack these three ways of discerning: Discerning the Presence of Evil Spirits
2. Discovering and Closing any Open Doors
The second key is to close the door on the enemy. Demons cannot simply go into any person they please; there is normally a point of access through which they enter. An important part of the deliverance process is to close these doors. This will not only greatly aid the process of deliverance but will also help with long-term freedom and wholeness.
If we want deliverance, we must be willing to break every agreement with the devil and completely align ourselves with God. Closing the doors means that we are taking away every right that the enemy has gained to our lives and shutting every point of access. We position ourselves to resist the devil when we are first submitted to God (see James 4:7).
- If a door has been opened through embracing sin, you must come into the light, confess your sin freely, and repent of it totally. There can be no justifying of sin and you must truly want to be free from it.
- If you have had any involvement in the occult, there must be a complete renunciation and a willingness to rid yourself of anything related to occult or New Age influence.
- If you are harboring bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness toward anybody, you must be willing to forgive those people from your heart.
- If generational curses or strongholds are present in your family line, shutting this door could look like looking to the cross and renouncing the sins of previous generations.
- If ungodly soul ties have been created through sexual sin or abusive relationships, cut those ties and sever yourself from that relationship.
When closing doors and praying through prayers of deliverance, sincerity in these matters is critical. Deliverance should not be seen as a rote formula to robotically pray through, but a sincere expression of desperation for Jesus to set you free. Both God and the devil know when we are genuine and serious about freedom. Ask the Lord to do the work in your heart and prepare the ground so that there is no hindrance to receiving the freedom that you desire.
3. Driving Out the Evil Spirits
Once you have closed all known doors, it is time to drive out any evil spirits that are present. When it comes to casting out demons, we see an example to follow from the apostle Paul: “But Paul…turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her’” (Acts 16:18). Paul spoke directly to the demon and he did it in the name of Jesus. This is how we are to deal with evil spirits when receiving deliverance or when ministering it to others. We are to make forceful words of command, exercising the authority that we have been given in the name of Jesus. There may be times when intercession is helpful in aiding the process of deliverance. But generally speaking, when it comes to casting out demons, we are not so much praying to God but speaking directly to demons, commanding them to come out. This is the way that Jesus ministered and the way that the early church followed.
This is where it is important to remember that as believers in Christ, we have authority over every demon. We do not need to be afraid of them; we should have absolute confidence in our position in Christ. Jesus said this: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:19-20). Our ultimate joy does not come from our authority over demons. But never forget, evil spirits are subject to us in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons.”
Again, there is no formula for deliverance. Each situation is unique, and we always need the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. But these three keys can help give you tools to step out to both receive deliverance and set others free. I hope this helps to demystify deliverance and simplify the process of casting out demons!