Sermon Series: Hypocrisy Exposed
October 29, 2019
Sermon: Voices that Oppose your Destiny
November 4, 2019
In a recent article, I described how the occult is an open door to demons. The following is an excerpt from Keys for Deliverance, that explains how to receive deliverance from the occult and any evil spirits associated with it:
The occult is a powerful force, but it is no match for the name of Jesus. No matter how far into the darkness you are, you can call upon His name and be set free. That being said, breaking free from the occult is not always easy. Jesus has paid the full price for our deliverance, but some may have a hard time cutting occult ties and fully submitting to His lordship. In many cases curses, pacts, and oaths have been made, making it difficult to make a clean break. A person seeking deliverance from the occult must be resolute in their desire to be free and absolutely reliant on the grace of God. Having a loving community of other believers to walk with them through this process is essential.
Below are three keys for making a clean break from the occult and receiving deliverance.
1. Repent
To be delivered, you must repent and let go of any sense of power, control, or influence you think that you gained from the occult. This means that you have a genuine change of heart and mind about the occult, and completely turn away from it. You must see it for the sin that it is and truly want to break free of its influence.
The occult is tantamount to idolatry. As the late Bible teacher Derek Prince often put it, it is “looking to Satan for that to which we should look to God.” To break free from the occult requires genuine repentance. No excuses or justification, even if you got involved “just for fun.” No blaming it on others, even if other people drew you in. As part of the repentance process, it may be necessary to forgive people who have hurt you or those who were a part of your journey into the occult. Allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep work inside of you. Don’t just hate the symptoms of oppression brought on through your involvement in the occult, hate the very acts of sin that the occult is.
2. Renounce
Following repentance is making a full renunciation of anything related to the occult. This means completely severing every tie that you have with it. Acts 19:19 says that “many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all.” This is making a clean break. There is a need to rid yourself of every trace of the occult, including any related materials or objects. It is best to destroy these items, like the example of burning the books of sorcery in the above Scripture. Don’t keep any items that have occult relationship or ties; the very presence of these items in your house can welcome evil spirits or invite a curse. Deuteronomy 7:26 gives insight into the danger of holding onto accursed items and the attitude that we should have against them: “Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”
Renouncing the occult will often include leaving behind relationships that tie you to the occult. If there are people with whom you practiced occult activities, it might be necessary to separate yourself from them completely, at least for a time. If you were being taught or mentored in the occult by a leader, you must break your tie with them and renounce any way that you have submitted to them.
Verbalize your renunciation by speaking out a prayer to renounce every occult activity, break every curse, and release yourself from its influence. For example, you can say something like this:
In the name of Jesus, I totally renounce my involvement in the occult. I renounce practicing witchcraft, seeing a fortune-teller, reading occult materials… (whatever applies specifically to you). I make a clean break and want nothing whatsoever to do with anything that is occult or demonic. Cleanse me in the blood of Jesus from all defilement that has come into my life through occult practices.
3. Rebuke
Having submitted yourself to God with the above steps, you are now in a position to resist the devil. Occult involvement opens the door to evil spirits, and there is a need to cast them out. Rebuke every spirit that is associated with the occult and command them to leave you in the name of Jesus. Keep doing this until there is a sense of complete freedom. There are times when deliverance can be progressive, so be aware that you may need to pray through deliverance on more than one occasion.
In many cases, it is helpful and even necessary to have someone with you to walk through these steps. If you are seeking freedom from the occult, find a trusted friend, pastor, or mentor, and ask them to help you walk through your process of deliverance. Remember: “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered!” (see Joel 2:32 NASB).
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Thank you for this needed teaching. I have found so many people reject the idea of a demonic spiritual realm. They are careless about their words, activities, what they put on their bodies and bring into their homes. When I try to tell them that they are opening themselves up to demonic influences, they laugh at me. Especially the things they allow their children to see and play. Children are attracted to Harry Potter books and play by casting spells but this is in my opinion is very dangerous. How do we help them to understand the dangers?
Thanks for the comment! Yes, the spiritual realm is very real and we can’t afford to be ignorant of these realities. I agree about the need to be more vigilant with our children. We can share with others, but can’t control how they respond. Hopefully, more eyes will be opened!