Light is Always Greater than Darkness
December 11, 2016
The Power of “Waiting on God”
April 27, 2017
I recently preached a message at Threshold Church called “Prioritizing God’s Presence.”
In Exodus 33:14-15, Moses essentially told God that he would rather be in the wilderness with God than in the Promised Land without Him. To Moses, God’s presence was a higher priority than anything else.
Though God is everywhere, there is a difference between His omnipresence and His manifest presence. Simply put, God’s manifest presence is His presence revealed in a tangible way.
This message is a challenge for individual believers and the church to pursue God’s presence above all else. If we will prioritize His presence we will experience His presence. And if we gain everything else, and even have “success” as a church, but fail to have His presence, we have nothing. Click below to listen!
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