Practical Tips for Studying the Bible
July 24, 2023
Prioritizing the Secret Place Like Jesus Did
August 7, 2023
Every believer has been given access to God’s presence through the blood of Jesus and can cultivate an intimate relationship with Him. Below is an excerpt from Living From the Secret Place that describes the importance of developing a personal history with God.
As we saw in Chapter Three, Moses was a man of the secret place. He would regularly enter the tent of meeting where he would pray, meet with God, and hear His instructions. Moses had a pivotal moment of testing that is recorded in Exodus 33, the same chapter that describes him going into the tent of meeting. God had told Moses that He would not go with the children of Israel into the Promised Land because of their tendency toward idolatry and rebellion. Instead, He would send an angel to go with them (see Exodus 33:1-3). But Moses pleaded with God for His presence.
Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.” (Exodus 33:15-16)
Consider this: Moses preferred the wilderness with the presence of God to the Promised Land without His presence. This is the heart of a person who walks with God. And it begs the question: will we fight for the presence of God in the same way? It’s easier to treasure God’s presence in the wilderness, because in the wilderness, He is all we have. But it is also in the wilderness that we can learn the lesson that He is all we need. When we have God, we have everything. Will we remember this when we step into our own promised land of fulfillment of destiny and receiving the promises of God? Will we treasure God’s presence in the season of abundance as we did in the season of lack?
Personal History With God
Moses passed the test and so can you if you will keep the secret place your highest priority in every season. When we keep God first in this way, we develop a personal history with Him that no one can take away from us. No matter where you live, what church you attend, or what your circumstances are, your roots continue to go deeper into Him.
Moses had a unique relationship with God in his generation. The Lord “spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11). We can see examples of other men and women throughout Scripture who had a deep, personal walk with God. But the fact is, because of the cross, all believers can walk with the Lord in this way. The veil is torn, and we are given access to the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus (see Mark 15:37-38, Hebrews 10:19-22). It is not based on calling or position, but on hunger, desire, focus, and priority.
Mary and Martha both had the same access to the presence of Jesus. But Mary experienced His presence, because she prioritized His presence. Every believer has the same access to God through faith in Christ. There are sovereign aspects to our relationship with the Lord, but much is dependent on our own pursuit. Paul knew God but pressed on to know Him more (see Philippians 3:7-14). Let’s follow in his footsteps and be those who diligently seek God.
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Time alone with God was never intended to be a boring duty or empty ritual. It was meant to be a passionate pursuit of God that leads to encountering His presence and knowing Him more.
Living from the Secret Place is a call to personal devotion. With rich scriptural truths, personal examples, and practical teaching, this book will equip you to grow in the most important thing you can do—spend time alone with God!