When Israel faced their first battle after leaving Egypt, Joshua went to fight on the battlefield, while Moses went on a mountain to lift his hands […]
I have been praying in tongues for around fifteen years. But the past few years especially, the Lord has been highlighting the importance of this valuable […]
One of the keys to growing in our relationship with God is engaging in spiritual disciplines. Regular time of reading the Word, praying, worshiping, and other […]
You have probably heard the quote attributed to Albert Einstein that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting […]
I recently preached a message called Establishing a Culture of Prayer. In this message I used illustrations from the book of Acts to show that prayer […]
One of the things that marked the ministry of Jesus was His commitment to getting alone to pray. He was constantly active in teaching, healing, and […]
I wrote previously that as Christians we need to discern the difference between soul and spirit. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by our soul—mind, […]