I have written previously that we have often reduced our understanding of salvation and what the gospel entails. We speak of forgiveness of sins but we […]
Jesus came to earth and launched His ministry of preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, healing the sick, and setting captives free. His message […]
One of the things that marked the ministry of Jesus was His commitment to getting alone to pray. He was constantly active in teaching, healing, and […]
In 1 Corinthians 12 the apostle Paul lists nine manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are supernatural in nature. They are not natural talents […]
I have been contemplating recently how God is both a God of spontaneity and a God of structure. Spontaneity and structure are opposites—how could they ever […]
In a previous article called 4 Myths about Deliverance Ministry I mentioned that one of the most common misunderstandings about deliverance is the belief that a […]
As I have been reading through the book of Luke recently, I have been reminded again that healing and deliverance are very closely related. Though there […]