When Israel faced their first battle after leaving Egypt, Joshua went to fight on the battlefield, while Moses went on a mountain to lift his hands […]
I am excited to announce that my newest book is now available for preorder! Setting Captives Free: How to Break the Chains of Demonic Influence will […]
As with other pastors, the last several weeks have brought intense challenges and difficult decisions as our congregation walks through the COVID-19 crisis. One of the […]
In the New Testament, there are various warnings about false teachers and false prophets. There is a clear call for wisdom and discernment in this area, […]
Chronic abusers and habitual hypocrites often have an irrational hatred toward those who are truly godly and pure in heart. Why is this so? This excerpt […]
Have you ever wondered why Jesus came down so hard against hypocrisy? He spoke very strongly against it, and gave scathing rebukes to those who were […]